+1 941-713-1637
5701 21st Ave W, Bradenton FL 34209

Workshops, Training & Other Events to Cultivate Wellbeing

Yoga Workshops

We have a variety of yoga workshops, meditation workshops and other events designed to cultivate wellbeing and self care. In these workshops you will learn ways to help you learn how to find a work/life balance that works for you, understand how to reduce stress with Mindul Based Stress Reduction or simply find a welcoming place where you can retreat and relax, away from everyday stresses.

Yoga Bradenton is a sister business of Spa NorthWest located at 5701 21st Ave W 22 Manatee Ave W, Bradenton FL 34209

This schedule updates regularly. You will get updates by email if you sign up for a workshop.

Feb 4th – The Lymphatic System – Yoga Workshop $35

Unlike the circulatory system, which is driven by the pump of the heart, the lymphatic system depends on gravity, as well as tissues contracting, in order to squeeze fluid through its vessels. In this class we will learn about the lymphatic system while exploring postures and breathing techniques that support the flow of lymph, thereby strengthening our immune system. This is an all levels class. No prior experience is necessary